AI-powered Visual Communications and Image Processing Toward Industry and Services
VCIP 2023 will bring together leading experts from academia and industry interested in visual communication and processing for all types of visual modalities. The program will feature lecture, poster and plenary sessions, as well as special sessions, demo sessions, and tutorials.
Important Dates *
* End of Day, Anywhere on Earth (
Proposals for Tutorials, Special Sessions, Demo Sessions | May 30, 2023 |
Notification of Acceptance for Tutorials, Special Sessions, Demo Sessions | June 9, 2023 |
Submission of Papers for Regular, Demo, and Special Sessions |
(extended) August 14, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00) |
Notification of Acceptance Papers for Regular, Demo, and Special Sessions |
(extended) September 22, 2023(23:59 UTC±00) |
Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers |
(extended) October 17, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00) |
Author Registration | October 27, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00) |
Early Bird (Non-authors) | November 5, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00) |

Latest News
[2023-12-03] Announcement of End-to-end image/video compression results for VCIP 2023
[2023-12-03] Announcement of IEEE VSPC Rising Star Finalists
[2023-11-21] VCIP2023 final program can be downloaded at HERE
[2023-10-28] VCIP2023 program draft is available !!!
Please go to the Program / Program at a Glance menu to download the latest technical program.
[2023-10-18] Registration page is open !!!
Please go to the Registration menu to complete your registration in-time.
(Payment is only possible on PC)
Author Registration Deadline: by October 27, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00)
Non-author Early Bird Registration Deadline: by November 5, 2023 (23:59 UTC±00)
[2023-10-15] NOTE**NOTE**NOTE (Connected to a new site for VCIP2023 is now automatically connected to its new site ( for more secured transaction and enhanced mobile access.
Now you can securely register for VCIP2023 at this page and the VCIP2023 papers will be made accessible at this web page directly to the registered participants.
All the update will be made on this new site and the connection to will be automatically connected to this new page.
[2023-10-09] Submission of Final Camera paper upload and IEEE Copyright Form
- To help some authors who did not check CMT system for the final decision of paper, the deadline of the final camera-ready paper (in PDF format) upload to is extended to Oct. 17.
Upload site: CMT system
Deadline: Oct. 17
Paper format: PDF
Paper template:
- The submission link of IEEE electronic copyright form (eCF) in the CMT system is currently NOT working because we are still waiting for the valid link of IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) from the IEEE. As soon as it is received, we will configure it in the CMT and will shortly notify the authors of the copyright submission.
[2023-08-10] Announcement of Practical end-to-end image/video compression challenge
Practical end-to-end image/video compression challenge
Please refer to "Image/video compression challenge" in the left Menu
[2023-07-28] Paper submission deadline extended (FINAL!!!)
The paper submission deadline is extended to August 14, 2023.
This is FINAL extension!!!
The final deadline refers to End of Day, Anywhere on Earth
( )
[2023-07-13] Announcement of IEEE CASS VSPC Rising Star Program
Announcement of IEEE CASS Visual Signal Processing and Communications Rising Star Program
From 2023, IEEE CASS VSPC - TC will establish The Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC) Rising Star Program to annually recognize experts in emerging domains of visual signal processing and communications for his/her accomplishments and vision. Detail information can be found from “VSPC Rising Star” quick link on VSPC-TC website(
Please Click 'IEEE CASS VSPC Rising Star Program' menu for more information.
[2023-06-26] Paper submission deadline extended
The paper submission deadline is extended to July 30, 2023.
The final deadline refers to End of Day, Anywhere on Earth ( )